Senegal Travel requirements, advice , Coronavirus status and Visa Policy

2022-10-05 16:19:02

Senegal is located in Sub-Saharan Africa. It is a developing country. Current Travel Advice to visitors travelling to Senegal is Exercise Normal Precautions. Check Senegal Travel Advisory, visa Requirements below.

Travel advice and advisories

Published 04.04.2022
Passengers must have:
- a COVID-19 vaccination certificate showing that they were fully vaccinated at least 14 days before departure. Vaccines accepted are AstraZeneca (SK Bioscience), AstraZeneca (Vaxzevria), Covaxin, Covishield, Covovax, Janssen, Moderna (Spikevax), Nuvaxovid (Novavax), Pfizer-BioNTech (Comirnaty), Sinovac and Sinopharm; or
- a negative COVID-19 PCR or RT-PCR test result issued at most 3 days before departure from the first embarkation point. The test result must be in English or French.
- This does not apply to passengers younger than 2 years.

Travel Advisory By USA

Wed, 05 Oct 2022

Last Update: Reissued with updates to health information.         

Exercise normal precautions in Senegal. Some areas have increased risk.  Read the entire Travel Advisory.

Exercise Increased Caution in:

  • The Casamance region due to crime and landmines.

Read the country information page for additional information on travel to Senegal.

If you decide to travel to Senegal:

Casamance Region – Level 2: Exercise Increased Caution

There are sporadic reports of armed banditry in the Casamance region.

Landmines from prior conflicts remain a concern in the region.

The U.S. government has limited ability to provide emergency services to U.S. citizens in the Casamance region. U.S. government employees are required to coordinate all travel to the area with security officials and any travel off the main routes generally requires additional security measures (e.g. driving in a caravan of multiple vehicles, consulting local security officials, or carrying personal travel locaters). U.S. government employees are also prohibited from travelling after dark anywhere in the Casamance region.

Visa Policy for Visitors travelling to Senegal

Visa on arrival

  • Afghanistan
  • Albania (30 days)
  • Algeria (90 days)
  • Andorra (90 days)
  • Angola (90 days)
  • Argentina (90 days)
  • Armenia (90 days)
  • Australia (90 days)
  • Bahamas (90 days)
  • Bahrain (90 days)
  • Bangladesh
  • Barbados (90 days)
  • Botswana (90 days)
  • Brunei (90 days)
  • Burundi (90 days)
  • Cameroon (90 days)
  • Chad (90 days)
  • China (30 days)
  • Colombia
  • Comoros (90 days)
  • Congo [DRC] (90 days)
  • Costa Rica (90 days)
  • Cuba
  • Dominica
  • Dominican Republic (90 days)
  • Egypt (90 days)
  • El Salvador (90 days)
  • Equatorial Guinea (90 days)
  • Eswatini (formerly Swaziland) (90 days)
  • Ethiopia (90 days)
  • Fiji (90 days)
  • Gabon (90 days)
  • Grenada (90 days)
  • Guatemala (90 days)
  • Haiti (90 days)
  • Honduras (90 days)
  • Iceland (90 days)
  • Indonesia
  • Iraq
  • Israel (90 days)
  • Jamaica (90 days)
  • Kiribati (90 days)
  • Lebanon (1 Month per trip)
  • Lesotho (90 days)
  • Libya (90 days)
  • Liechtenstein (90 days)
  • Madagascar (90 days)
  • Malawi (90 days)
  • Marshall Islands (90 days)
  • Mexico
  • Micronesia (90 days)
  • Montenegro
  • Namibia (90 days)
  • Nepal (90 days)
  • New Zealand (90 days)
  • Norway (90 days)
  • Oman (90 days)
  • Palau (90 days)
  • Papua New Guinea (90 days)
  • Peru (30 days)
  • Philippines (90 days)
  • Qatar (90 days)
  • Russia (90 days)
  • Rwanda (90 days)
  • Saint Kitts and Nevis (90 days)
  • Saint Lucia (90 days)
  • Saint Vincent and the Grenadines (90 days)
  • Samoa (90 days)
  • Serbia (1 month)
  • Seychelles (90 days)
  • Solomon Islands (90 days)
  • South Africa (90 days)
  • Sri Lanka
  • Suriname (90 days)
  • Switzerland (90 days)
  • Syria
  • Tanzania (90 days)
  • Thailand (30 days)
  • Trinidad and Tobago (90 days)
  • Turkey (90 days)
  • Tuvalu (90 days)
  • Uganda (90 days)
  • Ukraine (90 days)
  • United Arab Emirates (90 days)
  • Uzbekistan
  • Vanuatu (90 days)
  • Venezuela
  • Vietnam (30 days)
  • Zambia (90 days)
  • Zimbabwe (90 days)

Visa not required

  • Austria (90 days)
  • Belgium (90 days)
  • Benin (90 days)
  • Brazil (90 days)
  • Bulgaria (90 days)
  • Burkina Faso (90 days)
  • Canada (90 days)
  • Cape Verde (90 days)
  • Central African Republic (90 days)
  • Congo [Republic] (90 days)
  • Côte d'Ivoire (90 days)
  • Cyprus (90 days)
  • Czech Republic (90 days)
  • Denmark (90 days)
  • Djibouti (90 days)
  • Estonia (90 days)
  • Finland (90 days)
  • France (90 days)
  • Gambia (90 days)
  • Germany (90 days)
  • Ghana (90 days)
  • Greece (90 days)
  • Guinea (90 days)
  • Guinea-Bissau (90 days)
  • Hungary (90 days)
  • India (90 days)
  • Ireland (90 days)
  • Italy (90 days)
  • Japan (90 days)
  • Kenya (90 days)
  • Kuwait (90 days)
  • Latvia (90 days)
  • Liberia (90 days)
  • Lithuania (90 days)
  • Luxembourg (90 days)
  • Malaysia (90 days)
  • Mali (90 days)
  • Malta (90 days)
  • Mauritius (90 days)
  • Morocco (90 days)
  • Netherlands (90 days)
  • Niger (90 days)
  • Nigeria (90 days)
  • Poland (90 days)
  • Portugal (90 days)
  • Romania (90 days)
  • Sierra Leone (90 days)
  • Singapore (90 days)
  • Slovakia (90 days)
  • Slovenia (90 days)
  • South Korea (90 days)
  • Spain (90 days)
  • Sweden (90 days)
  • Togo (90 days)
  • Tunisia (90 days)
  • United Kingdom (90 days)

Visa required

  • Azerbaijan
  • Belarus
  • Belize
  • Bhutan
  • Bolivia
  • Bosnia and Herzegovina
  • Cambodia
  • Chile
  • Ecuador
  • Eritrea
  • Georgia
  • Guyana
  • Hong Kong
  • Jordan
  • Kazakhstan
  • Kyrgyzstan
  • Laos
  • Macau
  • Macedonia [FYROM]
  • Maldives
  • Mauritania
  • Moldova
  • Mongolia
  • Mozambique
  • Myanmar [Burma]
  • Nauru
  • Nicaragua
  • North Korea
  • Pakistan
  • Panama
  • Paraguay
  • San Marino
  • São Tomé and Príncipe
  • Saudi Arabia
  • Somalia
  • Sudan
  • Tajikistan
  • Timor-Leste
  • Tonga
  • Turkmenistan
  • Uruguay
  • Yemen

Visa free access

  • Croatia

eVisa / Visa on arrival

  • Monaco (90 days)
  • Vatican City (3 months)

Visa Requirements for Senegal Citizens
